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The study investigated the relationship between risk assessment, risk communication and safety culture among selected iron steel manufacturing companies in Lagos State. This study employed survey research design. Four hundred staff of these companies were selected from a population of five thousand two hundred and thirty-four. The data obtained were…

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Various strategies have been used by Nigerian government in a bid to stem the tide of rising poverty in the country but poverty appears not to have been abated judging from the available statistics. However, China has been able to reduce its poverty from 57% to less than 1?tween 1999…

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The practice of knowledge management (KMP) assists organisations in locating, selecting, organizing, disseminating, and transferring crucial knowledge and expertise required for tasks including problem-solving, active learning, strategic planning, and decision-making in universities and higher education institutions. However, the individual and joint effects of dimensions of knowledge management techniques or strategies…

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The quest for a better performance in the service industry has led to numerous managerial decisions, which include exploring various means and apply them in the operation of their organisations to achieve a better performance. Among the various means include outsourcing which cannot be overemphasized. The study was aimed at…

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The study investigates the factors that affect the usage of insurance by SMEs in Lagos State, Nigeria. This research adopted descriptive research design to collect qualitative data. A sample of 191 SMEs who are members of National Association of Small and Medium Enterprises (NASME) in Lagos State were engaged in…

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This study investigated the effects of internal control activities and control environment on organizational performance of selected tertiary institutions in Osun state. The qualitative research was adopted and the population comprised of all non-academics’ staff in Audit, Bursary and Account department of the selected institutions. A structure questionnaire was used…

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The study investigated factors that influence the effectiveness of internal audit in selected Federal Polytechnics in south-west states in Nigeria. This study focuses on 6 Federal Polytechnics in south west states in Nigeria that were purposively chosen to represent all other Federal Polytechnics in Nigeria. The management teams and internal…

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The study examines firm attributes and environmental accounting disclosure (EnvDic) of companies in high and low environmentally sensitive industries (ESI) listed on the Nigerian Exchange Group (NGX). Longitudinal research design is adopted, using twenty (20) companies each in the manufacturing and financial sectors, for a time frame of five years…

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