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A Brief Introduction

International Journal of Innovative Research in Accounting and Sustainability (IJIRAS) is an online and print open access journal published by the Department of Accounting, Faculty of Social and Management Sciences, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria. IJIRAS is a replacement for the AAU Annals of Accounting, Educational & Social Research formerly published by the Department in print form only.

International Journal of Innovative Research in Accounting and Sustainability (IJIRAS) is a peer reviewed journal that is poised to become a global mouthpiece for delivery of accounting researches that can stand the test of time. The journal welcomes both theoretical and empirical contributions. Nonetheless, theoretical papers should yield novel testable implications and empirical papers should be theoretically well-motivated. Also, the journal accommodates novel conceptual contributions for relevant and global policy implications.

IJIRAS boosts global reach, as its contents is accessible from around the world via its website: https://www.ijiras.org and the Adekunle Ajasin University sub-domain www.ijiras.aaua.edu.ng

As a way of mending the bridge between theory and practice, IJIRAS accepts papers from both academic and professional authors in the fields of accounting, finance, management, economics or any other field in the social science that relates to maintaining a sustainable economy. The journal however reserves the right to ensure that only original, unpublished, quality, researches and case studies are accepted for publication.