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This paper examined funding pattern of public tertiary educational institutions in Nigeria to determine its adequacy and compliance with the United Nations Educational Scientific Committee standard on education. Secondary data was used which covers the period of 2010 to 2020. Oyo State government tertiary educational institutions were purposively selected as…

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The sustainable development goals (SDGs) also called Global Goals, are a call to use current resources of the world in a manner that future generations will still depend on them for their livelihood. SDGs therefore, create equal opportunities for all citizens of the world, even in the future because they…

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A core principle of sustainable development is to improve an identified condition over time without mortgaging the future. Improving science education today to ensure its future is a core concern. This study investigated students’ perception of the use of electronic assessment in science education. The objectives of the study included…

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The study examined the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on the financial performance of quoted deposit money banks in Nigeria. It analysed the trend of return on capital employed and examined the effect of corporate social responsibility on the return on capital employed of quoted deposit money banks in…

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The global accounting scandals that resulted in financial crises and corporate bankruptcies as a result of an unmodified opinion received by companies has resulted in the loss of confidence in independent auditing. Stakeholders of organizations seek to make informed decisions from the disclosed key audit matters from the audit report…

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The study examines the roles of investigative support, expert witness and litigation support as forensic accounting techniques on the financial reporting quality of listed Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) in Nigeria. Data was obtained using a primary source of data collection through administration of well-structured questionnaire to the targeted respondents. Data…

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Abstract This study appraised the extent of adoption of supply chain management practices among manufacturing SMEs in Southwestern Nigeria. The study adopted a survey research design. Primary data were collected through the administration of structured questionnaire. The population comprised of the 1,983 registered manufacturing SMEs as contained in the directories…

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The study examines firm attributes and environmental reporting disclosures. The study employs an ex post facto design. As of 2020, the Nigerian Exchange Group (NGX) listed 110 non-financial companies. ESI and non-ESI companies were divided. ESI firms are oil and gas, and industrial goods companies, while non-ESI firms are other…

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This study aims at determining the effect of corporate social responsibility on corporate reputation in Lagostar wire and cable manufacturing company, Nigeria. Coming from the positivism paradigm and employing survey methods, the study utilized pre validated questionnaire to receive response from 121 out of 174 employees of Lagostar wire and…

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This study examined the effect of corporate governance on capital buffer of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria. The population for this study comprised twenty-four listed DMBs. Purposive sampling was used in this study for selecting 11 Deposit Money Banks whose stocks were actively traded on the stock market during the…

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