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Local government as the third tier of government in Nigeria is commonly conceived as the government closest to the people at the grassroots. However, the current status of local government in the fourth republic indicates they are so-called only in nomenclature. Evidence abounds that the present structure and operation of local government in Nigeria are not only far away from the people but are substantially disconnected from the grassroots. In many states of the federation, elections for the choice of leadership for local governments are largely influenced by state governments with little or restricted inputs from the local population. This practice seems to negate the very essence of participatory local government as catalysts for rural development and bulwarks of popular participation at the grassroots. The study utilised data from both primary and secondary sources to examine and analyse the present status of local government in Nigeria covering their leadership ascendancy and grassroots portfolios. The findings revealed a gradual alienation of the grassroots people from the activities of their local governments as they continually lose faith in the capacity of local government to bring about the much-desired popular participation and grassroots development. The paper, therefore, canvassed for inclusive and structural reforms in the administration of local government in Nigeria most especially redefining the interface between local councils and their respective state governments. Keywords: Alienation, Grassroots Development, Democracy, Local Government, Popular Participation

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