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This paper examines the intricacies of budgeting implementation and efficiency within a democratic system, using the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari in Nigeria as a case. The paper explores the successes and failure of budgeting strategies; the causes of delay and inconsistencies in budget implementation; and the evaluation of the socioeconomic impact of budget priories during the President Buhari’s led Administration 2015 to 2023. This is done by analysing government budgets, policies, and economic indicators, to provide insights into the dynamics of budgeting in a democratic context and to adequately achieve this, the study relied on the use of library research design. The discovered that increasing capital expenditure financing, with a focus on vital infrastructure projects including roads, railroads, and power generation, was one of the budgeting techniques' major triumphs under the Buhari administration. In a similar vein, under President Buhari, Nigeria's economy remained mostly dependent on oil despite all efforts to diversify sources of income. The government's revenue was greatly impacted by fluctuations in oil prices and production levels, which resulted in budget deficits and restricted ability to carry out planned initiatives. According to the report, Nigeria must keep pursuing revenue diversification in order to lessen its reliance on oil exports. This can be accomplished through advancing industries including manufacturing, services, technology, and agriculture. Keywords: Budget, Budgeting Implementation Efficiency, Democratic System, Buhari Administration

Keywords: Budget, Budgeting Implementation Efficiency, Democratic System, Buhari

Citation: , & Olawole, O.C. (2024). Budget and Budgeting Implementation Efficiency in a Democratic System: A Study of Buhari’s Administration. International Journal of Innovative Research in Accounting and Sustainability, 9(2), 109-117.

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