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The unprecedented level of increase of oil spillage in Nigeria has increased the call for environmental accounting disclosures. This study investigated how green accounting affects the financial performance of Oando Plc. The variables of the study include; environmental cost, net income, return on assets (ROA), return on capital employed (ROCE), where Leverage and firm size are used as control variables. Data obtained were analysed using descriptive statistics which include the mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values; and inferential using correlation and granger causality. The findings revealed that there is no relationship between environmental cost and net income and return on capital employed. It is however recommended that Oando Plc should overlook the insignificant effect of green accounting disclosure and cultivate the habit to disclosing the environmentally event and activities in their annual report as this will be of great use for some stakeholders. Keywords: Environmental cost, leverage, firm size, return on capital employed, return on asset, net income

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