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Abstract This study appraised the extent of adoption of supply chain management practices among manufacturing SMEs in Southwestern Nigeria. The study adopted a survey research design. Primary data were collected through the administration of structured questionnaire. The population comprised of the 1,983 registered manufacturing SMEs as contained in the directories of SMEs associations across the six states of Southwestern Nigeria. The study sample of 333 manufacturing SMEs in Southwestern Nigeria was determined using Taro Yamane (1967) sampling formula. A multi-stage sampling technique was used for the study. In the first stage, a stratified sampling technique was used in which each state in the Southwestern Nigeria represented a stratum. At the second stage, Probability Proportional to Size was used to distribute the sample size among the states. A random sampling was later used at the third stage to select the sample from each state in the region. Data collected were analysed using percentages, mean and standard deviation. The study concluded that manufacturing SMEs in Southwestern Nigeria have adopted supply chain management practices to a great extent but creating more awareness among the adopters is still important for enhancing their performance. Keywords: Strategic Supplier Partnership, Customer Relationship Management, Level of Information Sharing, Quality of Information Sharing, Postponement

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