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Inventory control is relevant to business resource management in order to achieve the desired level of effectiveness and efficiency. Inventory management has applications in both the industrial and service industries. According to previous academic study, just-in-time delivery is a beneficial method for guaranteeing that goods are delivered to clients when they need them, ensuring that customers are best served at a lower cost and higher quality. However, this research seek to find out the effect of just in time on customer satisfaction. Choice0of Lean0Theory0for this study0was informed0by the0need0to examine0how inventory manage ent influences organizational0performance thereby calling for a prudent0approachto inventory management. A survey research was used in other to gather great number of responses from the respondent that will be neutral and fair. The opinion of employees in this study is gotten through the use of questionnaire. For this study a simple random procedure is used to get the sample size, this method is used to guarantee accuracy by allowing the respondent the same chance of selection. Statistical package for social science (SPSS)is the instrument used for this research and a regression analysis is used in order to analyze data obtained.. The alternative hypothesis (just in time affects customer satisfaction) and not accept the null hypothesis (just in time does not affect customer satisfaction). The findings of this study conclude that practices in inventory management significantly enhance the operational performance of companies. As a result of this study, companies have recognized areas in which costs should be minimized as well…

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