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This paper investigates the impact of fund adequacy on budget performance in Nigeria. The Ex-post-facto research design was employed with extensive reliance on secondary data sourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin for 2000-2018. The Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method was employed in the estimation of the models. The empirical result revealed that statutory allocation (STALLOC) has a positive relationship with budget performance as proxied with capital expenditure in Nigeria at the 5% level. This implies that increase in total statutory allocation will result to increase in budget performance proxied with capital project in Nigeria. Also, positive relationship exists between internally generated revenue (INTREV) and budget performance proxy by capital expenditure in Nigeria and it is statistically significant at 5% level. This connotes that an increase in internally generated revenue will lead to an increase in capital project or budget performance in Nigeria. The paper recommends that stakeholders should be given participatory advantage in the determination of capital projects to be executed. This will enhance the impact of public budget on the welfare of the people and fast-track poverty reduction. Keywords: fund adequacy, budget performance, capital expenditure, statutory allocation

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