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The study examines COVID-19 and Financial Inclusion in Nigeria: its effects on Agent Banking in Lagos State. The study used of primary and secondary data and utilized survey method to collect primary data from different agents’ outlets in Lagos State. The secondary data were sourced from Lagos bureau of statistics, ministry of science and technology. The population of the study constitute actively operating agents, users and customers in need of the agent-banking services in Lagos State. Judgmental sampling method was adopted to target specific office agent banks that has existed for the past three years. Selected agent outlet was from each senatorial district of Lagos State using simple random technique, while 396 respondents were sampled, through structured questionnaire, 341, questionnaire were found useable. The study used frequency tables and regression analysis to determine the strength of relationship between agency banks and financial inclusion. The study established that Covid-19 helped to increase the use of Agent Banking services. The study recommends the need for the Nigerian government to make available adequate technological infrastructure that will make internet to function uninterrupted coupled with security devices that are capable of detecting and preventing internet fraud. Keywords: Agent -banking, financial inclusion, Covid-19 Pandemic Era, financial services, Nigeria JEL classification codes: G21

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