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The study examines the impact of corporate social responsibility on the performance of Nigeria Deposit Money Banks. The study utilized ex-post facto research design considering the fact that the study uses a historical data. Data were obtained from annual reports of the listed Deposit money banks in Nigeria. Data was analyzed using Multivariate technique of data analysis. Specifically, the study employed multiple regression technique (ordinary least square regression). The findings supported the overall relationship with an explanation. NPM, ROTA and ROE models were found to be significant at 5% level of significance. The study concludes that CSR influences the financial performance of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria. Overall, there exist a strong effect of CSR on NPM, ROTA and ROE. These effects were also found to be positive and significant at 5% level of significance. In addition, results on the effect of CSR on NPM, ROTA and ROE suggest that stakeholder theory is applicable based on the investors return on investment. The study recommends that listed deposit money banks should continue to invest in corporate social activities as much as practicable because they result into increase in profitability. Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Net Profit Margin, Return on Assets, Return on Equity.

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