Empirical Analysis of Financial Intermediation and Communication Sector Performance in Nigeria
This study investigates the correlation between financial intermediaries and the viability of the communication sector in Nigeria from 1998 to 2022. The study utilised secondary data obtained from the CBN Bulletin for the year 2022. The research analysed broad money supply, private sector credit, interest rate, and inflation rate to explain communication sector development using output as a proxy. Hypotheses were tested using time-series econometrics. After differentiation, all variables in the research are stationary. At 5% significance, the research shows a co-integrating link. The research demonstrated a short-term equilibrium connection between financial intermediation and Nigerian telecom sector development. Indicating no causal connection among financial intermediaries and the advancement of the communication sector in Nigeria. The research found that social media has not made a significant contribution to the advancement of the Nigerian communication industry. The research suggests that promoting the communication sector through concessional and reduced interest rates would facilitate economic growth. The study recommends that regulatory authorities maintain a stable interest rate to achieve price stability and keep inflation within single-digit levels. Enhancing confidence in banking institutions can facilitate the implementation of innovative strategies to kindle growth in the communication industry of the country. Policymakers should implement economic policies that promote stability in interest rates, flexibility in exchange rates, indigenization, and diversification of the economy. These policies will incentivize banks to provide financing for the communication industry. Keywords: Financial intermediation, broad money supply, private sector credit, interest rate, inflation rate, Performance
Keywords: Financial intermediation, broad money supply, private sector credit, interest rate, inflation rate, Performance
Citation: , & Andabai, P.W. (2023). Empirical Analysis of Financial Intermediation and Communication Sector Performance in Nigeria. International Journal of Innovative Research in Accounting and Sustainability, 8(3), 137-147.